Thursday, July 1, 2010

Basic Dining Etiquettes and Table Manners


- The serving tongs should not be dipped into the tea/coffee cup while adding sugar or sweetener.

- Place your teaspoon on the saucer, after stirring sugar or sweetener into your tea or coffee.

- Never blow on your tea or coffee.  Let the hot cup of tea or coffee cool off on the table.  It is strictly against dining etiquettes to slurp while you drink anything.

- Remember to put your napkin on the left of your plate or on your chair with the soiled part facing down if you have to leave table unintentionally.
- In case that you drop your napkin on the floor inadvertently, never try to pick it up.  Instead, signal to the waiter whoever is serving to supply you with a fresh one.

- If and when necessary, just dab your napkin lightly on your lips.  Do not ever scrub your mouth with it.

- Never stretch across the table to pick up something.  Politely ask the nearest person to pass it to you.  And if you are requested to pass something, pick it up and place it near the person next to you.

- Passing table items hand-to-hand is not good.  Use the items that you have requested for yourself, not the ones requested by others.

- Do not talk with your mouth full of food or while you are chewing it.  Properly cover your mouth if there is a need to cough or sneeze.

- Putting part of your upper arm on the table is ok but do not rest your elbows on the table.

- Avoid spitting out anything if necessary.  Put it on the fork and place in on your plate.

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