Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stabilizing Your Blood Sugar

Blood sugar (glucose) is the fuel for every single cell in your body. Stable blood sugar level helps prevent complications like diabetes, heart disease, memory problems and fertility problems. It is also key to feeling energized throughout the day as well as controlling hunger. Your blood sugar levels are linked to the type and amount of food you eat, and your body's ability to create and use insulin - a hormone which regulates the energy and glucose metabolism in your body.

Glucose levels or blood sugar concentration needs to be regulated as part of the metabolic homeostasis (balance) because it affects how the body distributes glucose. The normal blood glucose or sugar level for humans should be around 90 mg/100ml, or 5mM (mmol/l). Of course there are numerous medicines in the market which can help to lower blood sugar, but many of these have side effects like weight gain, hypoglycemia and gastrointestinal discomfort. 

So here are some natural ways to stabilize blood sugar:
1.              Have Cinnamon (dalchini): Cinnamon moderately lowers blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity. Cinnamon contains a natural water-soluble polyphenol compound called MHCP that mimics the effect of insulin, and works synergistically with insulin in cells. But the effect still remains a debate among researchers as several studies have shown this positive result while others have shown no significant effect. To include cinnamon in your diet, just sprinkle it over your coffee, cereral, and tea.
2.              Eat often: In order to stabilize blood sugar you must eat small, frequent, and balanced meals/snacks every 2-3 hours. This will help avoid a blood sugar surge and a big release of insulin that results after a large meal, and will allow the blood sugar less time to drop between meals. The sizes of the meals should be reduced accordingly so that the total caloric intake doesn't change.
3.              Eat high fiber food: Fiber is the undigested part of grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. When high fiber (particularly soluble fiber found in beans, oats, apples, citrus fruits and barley) foods are eaten, the sugar/glucose is absorbed more slowly, thus preventing the sharp spikes and lows of blood sugar. A diet that includes insoluble fiber (found in wheat bran, nuts and whole wheat flour) has been associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
4.              Stay away from bad carbs: Perhaps the single most influential food group to your blood glucose is carbohydrates, which causes the levels to rise. Stay away from foods comprising of bad carbohydrates like soft drinks, pastries, cookies, cakes, candy, pies, table sugar, jellies, and jams. These foods can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. On the other hand, good carbs are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, causing minimal impact on your blood sugar levels.
5.              Exercise: Physical activity helps the body control blood glucose as well. Here, regularity is also the key. According to a new study done by CDC, brisk walking on a regular basis can lengthen the lives of people with diabetes as walking makes cells more receptive to insulin, which leads to better control of blood sugar. Along with about an hour of aerobic exercise four to six times a week, lifting weights two to three times a week can dramatically improve blood sugar regulation. Muscles not only helps absorb sugar and lower blood sugar levels, but it also increases your metabolism and overall insulin sensitivity.
6.              Have lemon juice: Lemons contain vitamin C, rutin and limonene that can lower the glycemic index of a meal considerably. Squeeze lemon juice over your food or have a glass of lemon juice after every meal. Avoid adding sugar in it.
7.              Black Tea: According to a report in the Journal of Food Science, black tea contains a substance that mimics some of the type 2 diabetes drugs to reduce blood sugar. The researchers found that black tea contain polysaccharides that can inhibit an enzyme called alpha-glucosidase, which turns starch into glucose.  Green or oolong tea also contain this polysaccharide compound, but black tea has more of this substance.
8.              Don't miss Chromium: Chromium may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar. Chromium is an active component of glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which helps insulin improve its action. Several studies report that chromium supplements may improve diabetes control. However, benefit of chromium for diabetes has been debated for several years and more studies are needed to know how well it really works. The best sources of chromium are eggs, beef and grains.
9.              Laugh: A study conducted by Japanese researchers found that people with type 2 diabetes who watched a comedy show and laughed soon after eating had significantly lower blood sugar levels than those who attended a boring lecture.
By keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range you can slash your risk of developing complications and live a long and healthy life.

1 comment:

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